George comes out to his adopted sister
"Some films take you by surprise, only to fail when it comes to realizing their full potential and this sadly, is one such case. Not that you would know that from the start, when home from "extended freshman leave," David is reunited with his best friends George and Greg; aka the war boys of the title. Up to their old tricks in seemingly no time at all, they are soon to be found stealing, that is when not out alerting the authorities to illegal immigrants crossing the US / Mexican border, all for the fun of it. Only it is affairs of the heart that are destined to transverse boundaries, when David and George become more than just close friends in the middle of the night. Yet with all three out to make a quick buck courtesy of stealing one of David's father's contraband laden trucks, could it be that they have crossed the line for one last time?

Still and to Daniels' credit, both Greg's hetero and the boy's homo relationships are handled with the same degree of sexual openness, whilst David's father's reaction to his son's burgeoning sexuality is probably unique in gay cinema. As too it's well performed, with the camaraderie of its youthful players vividly realistic, leaving Peter Gallagher as the Jekyll and Hyde character of the piece; loving his son one moment, threatening him the next. Yet and in spite of all of its positives, it falls at the last hurdle, all of which adds up to a crying shame, as there was some serious potential here for a gay classic in the making, given the relatively few scenes that take place between the boys and indeed of George coming out to his adopted sister are frankly - beautifully rendered."
Given these character developments and the many critical topics the film addresses (prejudice against illegals, taking advantage of the built in crime of the border towns, sexual identity challenges, etc) the ending of the film is intensely dramatic and leaves the audience with a profound message. An excellent young cast and a fine director make this a powerful little film that should not be missed.
Pick up The war boys torrent here.
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