Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Orangina - Who's boss? Campaign

Orangina, the carbonated citrus drink whose advertisements have featured anthropomorphic animals since 2007, has released two new commercials. Created by Fred & Farid, the commercials are for "Miss O", the sugar-free version of Orangina. In these two commercials, two femme fatales in wolves' clothing dump and let down the men who love them just so they can go play, sniff after other men and continue their personal quest for self gratification. 

Nope don't find them funny or make me wanna grab an Orangina drink. Maybe I am not their target market. But c'mon, it's alright to portray strong woman who know what they want but to liken them to a hyena and a wolf is a little bit too much isn't it? Maybe the french might see the humour in it but I certainly don't. 

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